Saturday, 31 July 2010

Caer Alyn Archaeology - Test Pit #3 - Saturday 31st July 2010

Test pit #3 was cut to over lap the South test pit from last week to see if we could find more of the possible post hole discovered last week by Dave and Beverly. Sondage B was cut to the same depth and appeard to show the continuation of the post hole discovered in Test Pit (south)

Sondage C was not taken to the same depth but used to determine the depth of the topsoil at 8".

Johnathan gets ready to take a soil sample and Steve
digs deeper.

Again finding the orange colour under 6" to 8" of topsoil with a faint continuation of a possible post hole. (red dotted line).

Its over there!

No, it's over here.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Caer Alyn Archaeology - Other test pit

Picture of the second test pit dug by Dave and Beverley.

It shows an orange/brown layer under the grey clay/topsoil layer with a possible post hole too under the stoney layer.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Caer Alyn Archaeology - Test Pits go in - Saturday 24th July 2010

Two 1m x 1m test pits 10m apart were put into the Southern Enclosure today to test the depth of the topsoil which seems to be about 6".

A small sondage cut into the corner of the test pit shows a stoney layer a stoney layer with a small sherd of 18th/19th Century black Buckley ware in the stone layer at 8" depth.

A metal detecting sweep was made of the area to pin down the location of the geophsical survey peg, turning up a horseshoe!