Saturday, 18 September 2010

Wilderness.. Trench 100.. backfilled

After being opened on last years Summer Dig, Trench 100 is backfilled.

One last look at that revetment in Trench 100

We had one last look before backfilling, and now we can see some larger stones at the bottom and it now looks simalar to the wall in the enclosure in Trench 16 and 18.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Trench 14 - we all stand round and watch Penny and Derrick expose more stonework next to the chamber.


Trip down to the River Alyn and braved the cold to pull out a rim shard.

Slot cut into Revetment

 Trench 100 Wilderness.
After drawing, the top stones of the revetment were lifted to see if there was anything underneath, and it would seem (hard to see from this shot) that there are more stones as if it was a wall.

The trench is now being backfilled.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Caer Alyn Archaeology - Open Day

Open Day - a very successful event pulling many of the public in to see the good work we all do and a good excuse for us to try out some of the Celtic gear we have laying around the site....

If any of you have your own pictures of the day, if you want to send a copy to me, i will post them on the blog.